Syringe introduces an intuitive container DSL that makes container management a no-brainer.
The following functions are part of the application DSL:
injectSyringe { }
- Creates a global scopeContainer
syringeContainer { }
- Creates a local scopeContainer
modules { }
- Starts the module list for the enclosingContainer
logger { }
- Binds a custom logger function to the log output of this containerinject
- Aquires the desired dependency from the global container
Using the global scope initialiser allows the use of the free function DSL. Otherwise every operation needs to happen on a certain Container
Usually, using the global scope is the preferred and simpler way.
Both variant are identical in functionality. The global scope is for DSL convenience only.
Creating a Container​
Containers can be created via the container DSL functions:
// Global
injectSyringe {
modules {
// Modules go here
// Local
let localApp = syringeContainer {
modules {
// Modules go here
Customising the Container​
It is possible to customise the container to one's needs. The container DSL offers a number of additional parameters for customisation.
Adding a custom Logger​
Every container can be passed a custom logger which receives logs from Syringe:
// Global
injectSyringe {
logger {
print("Level: \($0) Message: \($1)")
modules {
// Modules go here